Friday, June 21, 2013

What's the Plan Stan?

     Friday night June 15, six of my friends met together to check out what this "10 Day Challenge" was all about. I wasn't positive of how things would work out but knew we all have one common goal, Learning How To Eat Better for Healthy Living. Everyone was willing to at least put forth concerted effort NOT to eat processed foods and sugars, and being aware of everything they let pass by their lips. What that meant was a little different for each one. 
 What it means for me:
          No boxed or prepared foods.  (ie. rice r roni, shake n bake, standard white pasta, white rice)
          No breads unless Ezekial (real whole grain) or Udi gluten free. (lettuce makes a beautiful sandwich and can replace bread almost every time.)
          No obvious sugars. (fruity drinks, baked goods, candy)
          No fast foods. If I should eat out, choose wisely, trying to eliminate the above.
          Much less dead food and much more of live sustainable food.

     I do not count calories or worry about fat content.
     I realize there are sugars in most condiments, salad dressings and mayonnaise is a prepared food however, I am working on cutting things out at a pace that I stand withstand. Otherwise it won't last. I rarely use stuff like that but have them available in a pinch. Red wine vinegar and oil have started to taste good to me. I don't eat pasta much but when we do, I eat rice pasta. My one vice I can't let go of yet is my cinnamon vanilla cream for my coffee. In time ladies, in time. I eat real butter and use olive oil or coconut oil for cooking. Personally I think they have had a bad rap over the years for no good reason.
     It's not to say you will never see me having a cocktail or a piece of cake in celebration however, it is my goal to keep these in check for special occasions.

FYI...when I interject I and we it's because my husband is doing his best to follow the new lifestyle too. He promises that IF he brings chips, candy or the like into the house he will keep it in his office and only eat when I'm not around. Isn't he sweet.

1 comment:

  1. I applaud your efforts to avoid all the fattening, corrupting, body-rotting foods that do nothing for your body but infuse your organs with junk and bad fats, so that they are incapable of absorbing the nutrients they need!!!! (So, people end up sick, fat, and undernourished. PLUS: it all gives you heartburn, because your body CANNOT digest all the artificial ingredients they sell in the grocery store.) STICK TO YOUR PLAN, and your health will drastically improve. Loss of weight is a bonus,caused by being healthy!!!!
