Thursday, June 27, 2013

DAY 13 I'm Feeling Down

Day 13

     Feeling a little down today. Maybe it's leaving the security of our home and friends to go to a rental house for a month., Maybe it's the angst of leaving my elderly friends who seem so frail.  Maybe it's the gray skies that have loomed overhead for several days now or maybe it's the wet basement were leaving behind after all the rain. I'm sure it's all of that however,  part of it is the worry over the nonchalance of so many about wanting to make even the smallest changes in their eating habits which could help change their lives.
     Don't get me wrong, the initial 5 girlfriends who signed up are still hanging with me. Some have made extraordinary changes in their diet while others are making smaller strides but see that change is necessary and are trying. Ku-doos to you all. I love hearing the changes you've made from sugar filled cereals to granola and blueberries. Putting away white breads for 100% whole wheat bread or pitas. Choosing fresh vegetables as side dishes rather than baked potatoes with the works. Yogurt and fresh fruit over ice-cream. It's Great! Keep up the good work. I really appreciate having you as support.
     It's those who look sick, fat, swollen, who often talk bout their arthritis aches and pains, bad knees, backs and hips, no energy, tired and depressed that want to cling to the comfort foods that are making them sick in the first place. I understand it is hard to give up what we've known all our lives because I've been doing this for years now.
     Nixing off bad foods one at a time until I got to where I am today. 90% of the time I eat fresh fruit and veggies. I don't do white much of anything except rice noodles. I've had the same bag of sugar in my cupboard for 5 years and it's half full. I've made huge changes in diet but am still working on ridding myself of those things like anything gluten, too many potatoes, nitrate filled bacon and sausage and ice-cream. I am also working on portion control. But, when people who know because of Dr. Oz or their doctors warnings that what they eat has a real baring on how bad they're feeling yet, they continue eating poorly unabated using the excuse "I'm not ready." Is so sad to me and makes me sad for them. 
     What is it about us Americans who are willing to go on powerful drugs for years, have major surgeries on our knees and our backs, for problems directly caused by being overweight. We rove from doctor to doctor spending tons of money to find fixes. But, when the doc says we must change what we're eating. It's off to another doctor because we don't like the last ones answer. Why? It's like what Joe Cross says in his movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, "he was willing to go through all the above but was terrified to change what he was putting in his mouth." Because that meant taking charge. Buckling down. Thinking before eating. Yet he knew that was the answer.
     I'm not asking you to go on a 30 day juice fast or no carb diet. We're just saying to start somewhere. Exchange the potato chips for carrot and celery a few times a week. The white rice for brown rice. Canned corn or green beans for fresh or at least frozen. Instead of a latte mocha chia double double switch to a coffee and cream or tea for a day. Instead of a 10 oz steak with baked potato have a salad with grilled steak slices with strawberries. Make some effort to treat you body better. You have to start somewhere. And if you started and have been at somewhere for some time, do another little something. Each day the choices get easier. You will have more energy, feel happier and in control.


  1. I'm still with you! and as cliche as it sounds when you feel most alone you can be sure God is walking at your right hand waiting for you to reach out. HE has given you only one body, you need that body to serve him and the healthier you keep yourself the more you can offer to HIM. And really is there any better reason? but in case you need more reasons, look back at your post earlier this week and picture yourself at the birth of Madeline's first child or Jackson farewell to bethel party! I love you. stay the course, you are too important to those around you.

    1. Oh, Leah you are beautiful. I am doing fine. Staying the course. Not giving up at all. In fact just had me plain yogurt (2drops chocolate stevia) and fresh raspberries off my bushes with fresh mint out of garden. Sometimes I just think out loud on paper. Maybe I should curtail that a bit. Suggestions for what topics to talk about? Enzymes, Fruits nutritional values. Magnesium benefits?

  2. Hi Julz. I love you and I understand what you're saying. We really need to take responsibility for our health, good or bad. When I met you guys I was at 170lbs and my knees were hurting all the time. My orthopedist had me in knee braces doing physical therapy twice a week. It helped some, but not enough. He said I was too young for knee replacement at 42 because it would need to be redone in 20 yrs. He said the best thing I could do is lose weight. I'm only 5'1" so that was too much for my knees to handle. That's when I started cutting out breads, white rice, some (not all sugars). And I even used some diet pills to give myself a jump start. It took about 6mos, and I initially lost 47lbs. I've been up and down over the past 10yrs and I'm holding at 135 right now. It's a hard fight but it can be done.

  3. Just an addition to the above Remember the fight over butter vs margarine? Transfat increases LDL in the body. Transfat is artificial, man made. they take an oil that is liquid at room temp, they add hydrogen ions to it, it turns solid at room temp.. the prime example would be solid shortening.. In the US they are allowed to say Zero transfat if the amount of hydrogenated fats are below a certain level. BUT, the nurses' health study from Harvard Medical school states there is NO SAFE LEVEL of transfat..guess what, guys, there is NO transfat in Butter!! THe next dangerous thing is high fructose corn syrup. Fructose has to be processed by the liver first before the body can use it. Because it's so concentrated the liver tries to store it,,,so 30% off the top is stored as FAT in the body...something to think about. People are drinking themselves fat with all the HFCS added to drinks, pop etc,,,and why our kids are obese before kindergarten.

  4. Two very good subjects Jan. Want to help me write a post on either one of those. There's a good docramentary on HFCS. Most people have no clue about it and yet its a main culprit in why so many in the world are obese.
