Friday, June 21, 2013

DAY 7 Sa-weeeeeet! Sugar

DAY 7 

    Todays topic is Sweeteners. In short, when we take in any form of sweet our pancreas rush to produce insulin to help convert the sweet stuff into nutrition for our body. But, when the body gets loaded down with too much sugar or sugar substitutes, unnecessary for body function, it gets stored as fat. Over time the pancreas are exhausted of insulin from all the excess and one becomes diabetic.
     Many times folks then turn to artificial sweeteners.  Whether you're using the pink, blue or yellow packet they are all artificial and fall under the name of aspartame or glutamate. None have any nutritional value.  Although widely used in everything from pizza dough to toothpaste there is plenty of scientific evidence about more than 90 different side effects caused by its ingestion.
     Neurologists around the world agree that it destroys the brains neurons. They do not yet know how big the real impact will be because it can take 5, 10, sometimes 15 years to start showing signs of neurological damage, and then it's too late. Years of use have caused brain tumors and is seen as one reason for the sharp rise in Alzheimers in the last decade. 75% of the complaints to the FDA each year are about aspartame.
     Jehovah made fruits and vegetables with their natural sugars. A healthy person eating these in their natural form, is the basis for a well balanced diet and it natural keeps a person healthy. But, then sugar is added to our coffee, cereal, breads, jams, sauces, juices. Just about Everything.  On top of that  we add processed foods to our diet, which contains literal tons of hidden sugars. This is a main reason we see disease of all sorts in epidemic proportions.
     Watch or read "Sweet Misery" or "King Corn." Real eye openers for those who care about their health and want to know the truth.
     I guess my goal today is to think before I sprinkle and read labels. IF you're one of the many who say " I hardly ever eat sugar!" do a Google search for a list of grocery store foods that contain sugar, high fructose corn syrup (that ingenious discovery is a whole nother subject), or aspartame. I think you will be shocked.
     Much of the info today can be found at

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