Friday, June 21, 2013

DAY 1 of The 10 Day Challenge

DAY 1 
     Woke at 4:35 when the Robin outside my window began her chirping. I have a love hate relationship with her. Unable to fall back a sleep, I started thinking about what I could do to help encourage my five friends and myself to choose wisely in our food choices today. What I came up with is a text message of some inspirational thought sent to their phones first thing in the morning. It's only ten days, I certainly can muse them for that long. Here's what I sent.
    "We had fun last night. A lot of things were discussed. Do not be overwhelmed. This is meant to be a fun and encouraging experience.
     THINK before you reach! Donut or Nectarine? Muffin or Fruit salad? Eggs and bacon or granola with blueberries?
     For you who say "I don't eat breakfast." Your body has not had fuel for more than 8 hours. It needs nourishment to function optimally. More than a mug of coffee. Grab an apple, banana or a hand full of nuts if nothing else. Start the morning off good and a good day will follow.
     Thanks for supporting each other. Have a healthy day."

     Sending the text, I lay back and think, "With that text I set myself up in being the example for these women. Maybe its a good thing. Makes me feel responsible to make changes not only for myself, my family but also my friends." I hope i'm up for the task.  


  1. I think, "Sure, a 10-day challenge will get you going", BUT: Shouldn't a Life-style change last much much much much longer???? Like, say, a lifetime?? If you lose a few pounds quickly, then proceed to lapse back to old ways, you will get them back real quick. NOT ONLY THAT: Each time you do the "yo-yo" diet, you stress your body even more, and you actually lose MUSCLE in the process. That's why some people feel very tired while on a "diet", and immediately afterwards.

  2. Jo Ann-- To answer your question Yes it should be a lifetime plan. However had I said a 100 Day Challenge, I would have lost most of my audience. A day at a time, one bad habit at a time, a pound at a time. I hate the word diet because it's used so frivolously. It is a life style change but is also ones diet or way of eating that either makes them healthy or sick. I do not restrict or count calories at all. I am just trying to eat healthy.
