Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 10 The Scale Tells No Lies

DAY 10

     Well Ladies we made it. We stand here at Day 10 of the Ten Day Challenge with what I hope is a clearer vision of how to improve your health. If you stayed the course not only should you be thinking more clearly, feeling a little lighter on your feet, enjoying a confidence in yourself for following through, you probably have shed at lease a couple of unwanted pounds.
     I stepped on the scale for the first time during the challenge on day 5 (which for me was really day 10 because I started earlier than the official start date) I just had to know where the number would stop. Low and behold it read 195.3.  Remember my start weight was 198. 198.5 to be precise. I love the newer scales because they not only tell weight but ounces too. "Oh honnn-nneeey? I've lost not just 3 pounds but 3.2 pounds, thank you very much." I felt exuberant. I really am doing this for health but you can't eat healthy and not loose weight. That's one of the perks. It is also a great motivator.
     Oh, I know there's some of you saying "that's just water weight." The fact is if a person is retaining 3.2 excess pounds of water, over and above what your body generally needs to function then you are inflamed. Inflammation is the absolute leading cause of illness. It means your cells, which are our foundation to health are having a heck-a-va time fighting to keep your bodily system up to snuff. It means your kidneys are working overtime along with many other organs.
      If you don't think that's a problem or that 3.2 pounds of lost water is not an accomplishment then I suggest Google-ing Lasix (Furosemide). This is the chosen drug used to help those whose bodies can not eliminate enough water normally.  I am not sure how many  Americans are currently on it but, I think it's safe to say that YOU know at least one person, maybe more who are. The culprit for water retention is to much salt. Lord knows were a salt crazed country. It's in everything from fruit drinks to baby food. Let's just say, if it isn't in the form in which God created it (on the outside perimeter of the grocery store aisles) then it probably full of salt. That's not to say that whole foods don't have any salt content. They do, but it is miniscule compared to processed, canned, packaged foods. Just another reason to rid our shelves of all the stuff. 
     Sorry got off track for a moment. Long story short, upon waking Day 7 the scale registered another pound lost, Day 8 another and yesterday Day 9, and this is where those ounces really help, another .8 pounds for a total just over of 6 pounds. Needless to say I am encouraged. 192.2
     However, with the excitement comes trepidation, for this is Day 10 of our 10 day challenge. Who will stick with me for 10 more days and who will quit. If nothing else you've learn you can take control of what's eating you. Oops!  What I meant to say is what your eating. Or did I?  You've taken positive steps to curtail the crazy mindless eating and learn to make better choices. I hope this is not just my beginning of a quest to better health. My husband Larry and I are not here to convince you we want to Inspire you. You are not alone in the maze. Are YOU up for the next 10 Days?

     FYI...  The tolerable upper level of daily sodium intake 2300 mg. 85% of Americans exceed that many times over. More than half of all Americans are predisposed to health issues, high blood pressure, heart disease, and should have no more 1500 mg daily. There is way too much salt, MSG, natural foods flavorings, all which contains salt in our diets.
    Example: Applebees Bacon Cheddar Cheesburger has a whopping 1610 mg of sodium. Add a side of fries for an extra 740 mg. That's just one meal. YIKES! For you Homemade Mac and Cheese lovers, One cup serving has nearly a 1000 mg. Boxed M &C per cup is 786 mg. HOLY CANNOLLI!        

 1/4 teaspoon of salt    =  500 mg
 1/2 teaspoon of salt    =  1000mg                               
   1  teaspoon  of salt   =  2000 mg


  1. Woo-hoo! Success! I wanted to add, my motivation for jumping on your bandwagon is not solely weight loss either. Though I'd like to lose the last 6 pounds of baby weight, I've been concerned about some of the pains that now seem chronic as I've reached my mid-30's. I'd like to think I'm young enough still to heal my joints before they cause true limitations in my life. Thanks for letting me accountable.

  2. Hi Julie! I'm in for another 10 days. I have to say I've learned a lot and have also lost some weight! Yeah! I've made some small changes and am hoping these next ten days will be even better. Thank you for all your great info & encouragement! Congrats on your success!!! Great job! ��

  3. So, there IS life beyond the "10-day Challenge" -- MORE days of healthy eating!!!!! Healthy eating should be a lifestyle thing, and stay with you always. Losing weight is just the natural consequence of being truly healthy. SO, you can count on me to continue, as I already eat low-fat, low-carb, low-sodium, no beef, no pork, no boxed foods, no fried foods, loads of veggies, etc., and have for years. BUT, consider me on the "maintenance" plan, since I already weigh less than 125, from all the years of healthy eating. (Plus, my Dr. says I can't lose any more weight!) You have a great blog, and it is encouraging to those who really need to get their health in order, and perhaps lose a little in the process!!!
