Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DAY 12 Summer Travel

Day 12  
     Larry and I are packing up and heading to Michigan on Saturday for a month. My insatiable need to see and interact with our grandkids has gotten the best of me. Hopefully this visit will curb that craving and leave indelible memories on my heart and mind so when we return home these memories will keep me happy until the next time.
      As many of you know I am a Photographer wanna-be, so expect some vacation pictures to be included in future post. It is my plan to continue posting each day however, I am using my cell phone as my internet source while in Wolverine Lake so service and internet connect will only be as good as the towers allow. If for any reason I can not post, I apologize ahead of time. For you who are a part of our Mobile Texts posts, you will still receive your morning tags albeit a shortened version.
     I've heard from some that they are commenting on the Blog but the comments are not posting. I don't know what the deal is with that, I will be checking into it but, please don't let that stop you from trying again. Your comments inspire me to continue posting. It's the only way I have to know that you are finding inspiration to get healthy from them, which in turn motivates me to keep on keeping on, too.  I would love to hear about small or great changes you have made or are making in your choices of food. We're always looking for menu ideas and recipes. Please share.
     For you Twinsburg/Bedford Friends DON'T FORGET: we have our 10 Day Challenge Get Together To See How We're All Doing date, Friday at my house at 6:00 sharp. We will be watching 1/2 of "Food Matters", then having discussion after. BYO healthy snacks. I will supply pop-corn and flavored water. Please text me if you are coming so I can get a count.
     Check the EVENT page once in a while to see what's coming up.
                                    Todays inspiration are the two pictures below.  
  Keep a log of everything you put in your mouth over the next three days. Everything. You may be surprised. What's one easy healthy thing you can do for yourself today?

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