Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 8 Change is on the Horizon


     I've been waking up between 4:30 - 5:00 am because a Robin, like a rooster has a very loud call and uses it to say when the sun begins to rise so should everyone else. Good idea, but not one I want to follow at the moment. Either way she has me so trained to her call that I wake automatically. For the last two days her call has been silent and replaced by a later rising Blue Jay with his squelching clamor. I tell you this because it's good to STOP and listen to the birds. Our lives are so bogged down with busy-ness that much of the beauty and joys Jehovah gives us could easily be missed. Taking a few minutes out of your day to stop and smell the roses is calming and rejuvenating to the soul. You owe it to yourself.

This Mornings Text message:
     It's officially the weekend and the toughest time to stick to your goals. You only have a couple more days to complete the 10 days of the challenge thereby Proving to yourself YOU CAN get control over the mind and the matter. Your mind and heart (the driving force) getting mastery over the matter (food).
     To illustrate: It's similar to when we started studying the Bible and getting to know Jehovah. Before taking in accurate knowledge, we were feeding our minds what we thought was spiritual food. Whatever that meant for each individual. When in fact we were being starved and dehydrated of the waters of life.
     With some effort we learned what the requirements for living a good, healthy, full spiritual life meant. Most of us had to make Drastic Changes in our thinking, our way of life, our belief system. We had to start nourishing our minds and hearts with what we were learning. You see where i'm going with this?

     It's similar with food. We have been led to believe that food, and every kind that tickles our palate, be it boxed, bagged, processed is good and nutritious. The preachers (food manufacturers) propaganda of what's Real Food, healthy food, has the world totally confused. Who of you didn't believe that Wonder bread would " help build strong bodies 12 ways." I'll bet you also thought when Tony the Tiger said "They're GREAT! That they really were.
     But, we are learning the truth about food. Whole LIVE foods are what create and sustain health. It may take time, but we must try to make needed changes for better health or give into our weaknesses and growing sicker. We have to pummel our bodies to do what we know is best for it.
     Whose in this with me for 4 extra days until next Friday's meeting?

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