What is this Diet anyway?

It's a 10 Day Challenge to:

Resist eating process foods. What does that mean?

  • Pasta meals made with refined white flour instead of whole grains.
  • Canned foods with large amounts of sodium or fat.
  • Packaged high-calorie snack foods such as chips and candies.
  • Frozen fish sticks and frozen dinners that are high in sodium.
  • Packaged cakes and cookies.
  • Boxed meal mixes that are high in fat and sodium.
  • Sugary breakfast cereals.
  • Processed meats that are loaded with nitrates.
  • Soda, juice drinks, some bottled teas are full of sugar.
I would like to see Bread consumption cut way down or at least replaced with 100% whole
grain bread like Ezekiel bread or Udi Gluten Free. Much of the breads found on store shelves, even when they say "whole wheat" are not for the health conscious.

Cut out sugars. For some it means starting with the obvious sugars mentioned in above list. For others, they're beyond that and need to start looking deeper. Salad dressings, sauces, even cereals who claim to be healthy.

OMG...what will I eat?  Like I wrote in an earlier post, 50 years ago most of grocery store foods were unheard of.  People were healthier and did not starve.
      Fruits, lots of vegetables, smaller amounts of meat and chicken and more fish.
Would I love to hear everyone eating organic?  Yes! And some are and will. But, for now I am happy with conscious effort to change to eating better.

Suggestions1.  Cut your veggies (celery, carrots, peppers) up ahead of time. Clean and remove grapes from stems and keep in container. You will be much more apt to reach for them as a snack, if the works already done.  2.  Buy almond, walnuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds and raisins or cranberries and toss them all together in a large sealable baggie. Easy to grab when on the go. I carry some in a baggie in my purse for emergency snack.
3.  Drinks lots of water to cleanse out toxins. I put a little celtic sea salt in a couple glasses a day to help with absorption. (do not use table salt) 4.  I love Stevia*. Until we break the sweet tooth down, I use a little to enhance things like plain yogurt or homemade juices. A couple drops of Chocolate stevia on fresh strawberries, is to die for. Only takes a couple drops.

*  Stevia is not like artificial sweeteners. It is plant based. It does have nutrients that your body reconizes as food. It comes in Raspberry Chocolate, Vanilla Crème, Orange, Lemon, Chocolate. If you can't find it you can order it at The Better Health Store online.

Some will see this as another Fad diet because it will take great effort on their part to start making changes in what they choose to feed their bodies.  I would rather look at it as a Lifestyle change to better eating.

Peoples eating habits are as varied as the foods they're eating. What changes you need to make to become healthier may be much different than someone else. How much or little you choose to follow this course is your business but if you make no changes, nothing will change. You get out of it what your willing to put into it.

1 comment:

  1. The Stevia you see on store shelves today has been grossly refined out of it's original, natural state!!! Please specify that it needs to be green and straight from the plant.

    Look up the articles titled: "AVOID! The Toxic Truth About Stevia | Jane's Healthy Kitchen" and "Is Stevia Safe or Healthy?" by Katie Wells.

    Also, there is no such thing as "healthy" chocolate. Please search also, for: "Is Raw Cacao a Superfood or Harmful Stimulant?" By Diana Stoevelaar and "How flawed science helped turn chocolate into a health food" by Julia Beluz.
