Tuesday, June 25, 2013

DAY 11 Busy Days

DAY 11    

We all have days we've packed full. Starting early in the morning and ending when you drop in the recliner unsure if you'll make it to bed. Yesterday was one of those days. Having to be downtown Cleveland to my son's workplace before 8:00 a.m, driving a van and hauling a trailer, meant being up by 6:00 on the road by 7:00. My inclination was to grab a travel cup of coffee and hit the road. But, knowing that I encouraged all of you to eat your breakfast made me feel a responsibility to live up to what I preach. "It's been over 10 hours since you last fueled up, and your body needs some gas to get moving. You talk the talk, you going to walk the walk?" I thought.
     Quickly I made up a bag of raw almonds, walnuts, sprouted pumpkin seeds, wusabi edamame (love the touch of heat) dried cranberries and my cup of joe. Larry grab his usual banana and we made a mad dash. Munching on them during the trip made rush hour easier. I don't know how people start their mornings and end there day sea of automobiles. You who do, should NEVER ever miss breakfast. The patience and skill of operating a vehicle in rush hour requires a lot of a body, mind and soul. You don't want to be running on fumes while dealing with a situation that demands so much energy.
     We're home and starving by 11:00. A couple weeks ago we would have stopped at Arby's or Wendy's and grab some lunch. Not these days.
Larry wanted a sliced chicken sandwich topped with spinach, red onion, mayo on the only bread he'll eat, a whole wheat hamburger bun. It's gives me a sense of pride taking time to feed the two of us better.
     I'm not doing much bread these days so I had a salad. On a bed of spinach I chopped cabbage,  pepper jack cheese, rotisserie chicken, cherry tomatoes and very thin sliced red onion with vinegar and oil dressing. Dash of salt and pepper. As a last minute thought after taking the picture I sprinkled pretty heavily a ground mix blend of flax, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds and gogi berries.  I love this stuff for salads, yogurt, cereal. Made by Linwood. It's a super healthy food and gave the salad a woodsey taste. Loved it.
      Barely done with lunch my daughter, husband, who are passing through town headed home to Detroit drop the 3 grandkids (ages 6, 2.5 and almost 1) off to play with Yaya and Grandpa for a few hours. Entertaining three young kids, when your not used to it, is exhausting especially when your doing it in 90 degree heat. By the way, our living without AC ended today.
     When the parents returned Imperial Wok Chinese Food was on their agenda. "Oh, oh! I haven't gone OUT to eat for the last over two weeks." I think. Chinese food although I love it is loaded with calories and MSG. What would you have done?  It's not like I'm never going to eat out again. Got to learn how to make good choices when dining out to. What better way to test my ability.  So we went.
     I chose the chicken lettuce wraps. I went light on the hoisin sauce and drank plenty of water. I made what I think is the healthiest choice available on the menu but, am a little nervous to see the scale this morning.  Do you ever notice when you wake up the day after Chinese food, your hands and feet are swollen, your mind seems foggy and your joints are stiffer than normal? Blame the salt/MSG. Although FDA claims of safety, more and more information of it's side effects is available. But, the best estimate of it's effects is your own body. Read them closely.
     Gaining back anything would be discouraging but not a total surprise. Sometimes we make choices that may set us back but, that's ok. Tomorrow is a new day. Get back on the horse and gallop through the next week making choices that will keep you on the road to better health.
     After dinner we finished unpacking the trailer and van of all the contents hauling everything inside. Setting up book cases, taking others down, moving furniture upstairs and downstairs, sorting books and cleaning it all up afterward. My brain and body said i'm done, pooped out.
     I couldn't go to bed without doing one more thing. To help my kidneys work out all the salt I made a 6 oz. glass of water with 4 tablespoons of 100% cranberry concentrate. It's very cleansing.
     The lesson of todays post is make the time to feed your body something healthy in the morning, don't let yourself get so hungry that you grab junk just to fill up and if you fall short, get up and get over it. Get back on track in the morning.


  1. Just read your whole blog....so proud of you! Good for you and Larry. I am now motivated!

  2. I'm glad you're motivated its my hope to inspire.
    I'm happy to see your post. I had 3 people at the hall tonight tell me they tried posting a comment but it wouldn't work.

  3. Julz. I know you can do this. It was hard for me too. Losing weight is an up and down process. But you have to keep fighting to win the battle. My weight is still up and down. Sometimes its easy to watch what you're eating and sometimes you just won't care. But what I found that helps me tremendously is movement, no matter where you are. Get yourself a pedometer and try to track your steps each day from the time you get up to when you go to bed. Your goal ideally should be 10,000 steps per day. But you can start off lower, about 7,000 steps

    1. That's a good idea. Trying to walk the dog each day and if I can't I run on the trampoline for 10 minutes. Its good for the Lymphs. Exercise not only burns calories but it is good for the soul. It gets endorphines rolling which is the feel good juice. Gets you out in fresh air where you can smell the trees, fresh cut grass and rain. Thanks for the encouragement.

    2. ok a cool techie side note, there are some very cool pedometers that sync with your phone to track your steps, and they are very reasonable. I found the cheap ones never work great. I had several and if they are sitting just right they miss a lot of steps. the good ones can track steroids from your purse!
