Thursday, June 27, 2013

DAY 14 Let's Talk Salt

DAY  14

A pet peeve of mind is serving a plate of food to someone and before they even taste it they have the shaker above it raining down salt. Why do people do that? It takes all my willpower not to say something snippy. But, really how do they know it isn't seasoned just perfectly when set in front of them?
    And so begins discussion on salt. Have you ever wondered what differences, if any between regular Morton salt and all the new salts we're seeing in stores. Sea Salt seems to be a popular buzz word. I have taken liberty to borrow the answer from The Mayo Clinic's Website. Here's their answer.

from Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D.

     Sea salt and table salt have the same basic nutritional value, despite the fact that sea salt is often marketed as a more natural and healthy alternative. The most notable differences between sea salt and table salt are in their taste, texture and processing.
     Sea salt is produced through evaporation of ocean water or water from saltwater lakes, usually with little processing. Depending on the water source, this leaves behind certain trace minerals and elements. The minerals add flavor and color to sea salt, which also comes in a variety of coarseness levels.
     Table salt is typically mined from underground salt deposits. Table salt is more heavily processed to eliminate minerals and usually contains an additive to prevent clumping. Most table salt also has added iodine, an essential nutrient that helps maintain a healthy thyroid.
     By weight, sea salt and table salt contain the same amount of sodium.
Regardless of which type of salt you prefer, limit total sodium to less than 2,300 milligrams a day — or 1,500 milligrams if you:
  • Are 51 or older
  • Are black
  • Have high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease
    Do you agree with what Katherine says? Do all salts have the same basic value?
Comment below.

DAY 13 I'm Feeling Down

Day 13

     Feeling a little down today. Maybe it's leaving the security of our home and friends to go to a rental house for a month., Maybe it's the angst of leaving my elderly friends who seem so frail.  Maybe it's the gray skies that have loomed overhead for several days now or maybe it's the wet basement were leaving behind after all the rain. I'm sure it's all of that however,  part of it is the worry over the nonchalance of so many about wanting to make even the smallest changes in their eating habits which could help change their lives.
     Don't get me wrong, the initial 5 girlfriends who signed up are still hanging with me. Some have made extraordinary changes in their diet while others are making smaller strides but see that change is necessary and are trying. Ku-doos to you all. I love hearing the changes you've made from sugar filled cereals to granola and blueberries. Putting away white breads for 100% whole wheat bread or pitas. Choosing fresh vegetables as side dishes rather than baked potatoes with the works. Yogurt and fresh fruit over ice-cream. It's Great! Keep up the good work. I really appreciate having you as support.
     It's those who look sick, fat, swollen, who often talk bout their arthritis aches and pains, bad knees, backs and hips, no energy, tired and depressed that want to cling to the comfort foods that are making them sick in the first place. I understand it is hard to give up what we've known all our lives because I've been doing this for years now.
     Nixing off bad foods one at a time until I got to where I am today. 90% of the time I eat fresh fruit and veggies. I don't do white much of anything except rice noodles. I've had the same bag of sugar in my cupboard for 5 years and it's half full. I've made huge changes in diet but am still working on ridding myself of those things like anything gluten, too many potatoes, nitrate filled bacon and sausage and ice-cream. I am also working on portion control. But, when people who know because of Dr. Oz or their doctors warnings that what they eat has a real baring on how bad they're feeling yet, they continue eating poorly unabated using the excuse "I'm not ready." Is so sad to me and makes me sad for them. 
     What is it about us Americans who are willing to go on powerful drugs for years, have major surgeries on our knees and our backs, for problems directly caused by being overweight. We rove from doctor to doctor spending tons of money to find fixes. But, when the doc says we must change what we're eating. It's off to another doctor because we don't like the last ones answer. Why? It's like what Joe Cross says in his movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, "he was willing to go through all the above but was terrified to change what he was putting in his mouth." Because that meant taking charge. Buckling down. Thinking before eating. Yet he knew that was the answer.
     I'm not asking you to go on a 30 day juice fast or no carb diet. We're just saying to start somewhere. Exchange the potato chips for carrot and celery a few times a week. The white rice for brown rice. Canned corn or green beans for fresh or at least frozen. Instead of a latte mocha chia double double switch to a coffee and cream or tea for a day. Instead of a 10 oz steak with baked potato have a salad with grilled steak slices with strawberries. Make some effort to treat you body better. You have to start somewhere. And if you started and have been at somewhere for some time, do another little something. Each day the choices get easier. You will have more energy, feel happier and in control.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

DAY 12 Summer Travel

Day 12  
     Larry and I are packing up and heading to Michigan on Saturday for a month. My insatiable need to see and interact with our grandkids has gotten the best of me. Hopefully this visit will curb that craving and leave indelible memories on my heart and mind so when we return home these memories will keep me happy until the next time.
      As many of you know I am a Photographer wanna-be, so expect some vacation pictures to be included in future post. It is my plan to continue posting each day however, I am using my cell phone as my internet source while in Wolverine Lake so service and internet connect will only be as good as the towers allow. If for any reason I can not post, I apologize ahead of time. For you who are a part of our Mobile Texts posts, you will still receive your morning tags albeit a shortened version.
     I've heard from some that they are commenting on the Blog but the comments are not posting. I don't know what the deal is with that, I will be checking into it but, please don't let that stop you from trying again. Your comments inspire me to continue posting. It's the only way I have to know that you are finding inspiration to get healthy from them, which in turn motivates me to keep on keeping on, too.  I would love to hear about small or great changes you have made or are making in your choices of food. We're always looking for menu ideas and recipes. Please share.
     For you Twinsburg/Bedford Friends DON'T FORGET: we have our 10 Day Challenge Get Together To See How We're All Doing date, Friday at my house at 6:00 sharp. We will be watching 1/2 of "Food Matters", then having discussion after. BYO healthy snacks. I will supply pop-corn and flavored water. Please text me if you are coming so I can get a count.
     Check the EVENT page once in a while to see what's coming up.
                                    Todays inspiration are the two pictures below.  
  Keep a log of everything you put in your mouth over the next three days. Everything. You may be surprised. What's one easy healthy thing you can do for yourself today?

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

DAY 11 Busy Days

DAY 11    

We all have days we've packed full. Starting early in the morning and ending when you drop in the recliner unsure if you'll make it to bed. Yesterday was one of those days. Having to be downtown Cleveland to my son's workplace before 8:00 a.m, driving a van and hauling a trailer, meant being up by 6:00 on the road by 7:00. My inclination was to grab a travel cup of coffee and hit the road. But, knowing that I encouraged all of you to eat your breakfast made me feel a responsibility to live up to what I preach. "It's been over 10 hours since you last fueled up, and your body needs some gas to get moving. You talk the talk, you going to walk the walk?" I thought.
     Quickly I made up a bag of raw almonds, walnuts, sprouted pumpkin seeds, wusabi edamame (love the touch of heat) dried cranberries and my cup of joe. Larry grab his usual banana and we made a mad dash. Munching on them during the trip made rush hour easier. I don't know how people start their mornings and end there day sea of automobiles. You who do, should NEVER ever miss breakfast. The patience and skill of operating a vehicle in rush hour requires a lot of a body, mind and soul. You don't want to be running on fumes while dealing with a situation that demands so much energy.
     We're home and starving by 11:00. A couple weeks ago we would have stopped at Arby's or Wendy's and grab some lunch. Not these days.
Larry wanted a sliced chicken sandwich topped with spinach, red onion, mayo on the only bread he'll eat, a whole wheat hamburger bun. It's gives me a sense of pride taking time to feed the two of us better.
     I'm not doing much bread these days so I had a salad. On a bed of spinach I chopped cabbage,  pepper jack cheese, rotisserie chicken, cherry tomatoes and very thin sliced red onion with vinegar and oil dressing. Dash of salt and pepper. As a last minute thought after taking the picture I sprinkled pretty heavily a ground mix blend of flax, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame seeds and gogi berries.  I love this stuff for salads, yogurt, cereal. Made by Linwood. It's a super healthy food and gave the salad a woodsey taste. Loved it.
      Barely done with lunch my daughter, husband, who are passing through town headed home to Detroit drop the 3 grandkids (ages 6, 2.5 and almost 1) off to play with Yaya and Grandpa for a few hours. Entertaining three young kids, when your not used to it, is exhausting especially when your doing it in 90 degree heat. By the way, our living without AC ended today.
     When the parents returned Imperial Wok Chinese Food was on their agenda. "Oh, oh! I haven't gone OUT to eat for the last over two weeks." I think. Chinese food although I love it is loaded with calories and MSG. What would you have done?  It's not like I'm never going to eat out again. Got to learn how to make good choices when dining out to. What better way to test my ability.  So we went.
     I chose the chicken lettuce wraps. I went light on the hoisin sauce and drank plenty of water. I made what I think is the healthiest choice available on the menu but, am a little nervous to see the scale this morning.  Do you ever notice when you wake up the day after Chinese food, your hands and feet are swollen, your mind seems foggy and your joints are stiffer than normal? Blame the salt/MSG. Although FDA claims of safety, more and more information of it's side effects is available. But, the best estimate of it's effects is your own body. Read them closely.
     Gaining back anything would be discouraging but not a total surprise. Sometimes we make choices that may set us back but, that's ok. Tomorrow is a new day. Get back on the horse and gallop through the next week making choices that will keep you on the road to better health.
     After dinner we finished unpacking the trailer and van of all the contents hauling everything inside. Setting up book cases, taking others down, moving furniture upstairs and downstairs, sorting books and cleaning it all up afterward. My brain and body said i'm done, pooped out.
     I couldn't go to bed without doing one more thing. To help my kidneys work out all the salt I made a 6 oz. glass of water with 4 tablespoons of 100% cranberry concentrate. It's very cleansing.
     The lesson of todays post is make the time to feed your body something healthy in the morning, don't let yourself get so hungry that you grab junk just to fill up and if you fall short, get up and get over it. Get back on track in the morning.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Day 10 The Scale Tells No Lies

DAY 10

     Well Ladies we made it. We stand here at Day 10 of the Ten Day Challenge with what I hope is a clearer vision of how to improve your health. If you stayed the course not only should you be thinking more clearly, feeling a little lighter on your feet, enjoying a confidence in yourself for following through, you probably have shed at lease a couple of unwanted pounds.
     I stepped on the scale for the first time during the challenge on day 5 (which for me was really day 10 because I started earlier than the official start date) I just had to know where the number would stop. Low and behold it read 195.3.  Remember my start weight was 198. 198.5 to be precise. I love the newer scales because they not only tell weight but ounces too. "Oh honnn-nneeey? I've lost not just 3 pounds but 3.2 pounds, thank you very much." I felt exuberant. I really am doing this for health but you can't eat healthy and not loose weight. That's one of the perks. It is also a great motivator.
     Oh, I know there's some of you saying "that's just water weight." The fact is if a person is retaining 3.2 excess pounds of water, over and above what your body generally needs to function then you are inflamed. Inflammation is the absolute leading cause of illness. It means your cells, which are our foundation to health are having a heck-a-va time fighting to keep your bodily system up to snuff. It means your kidneys are working overtime along with many other organs.
      If you don't think that's a problem or that 3.2 pounds of lost water is not an accomplishment then I suggest Google-ing Lasix (Furosemide). This is the chosen drug used to help those whose bodies can not eliminate enough water normally.  I am not sure how many  Americans are currently on it but, I think it's safe to say that YOU know at least one person, maybe more who are. The culprit for water retention is to much salt. Lord knows were a salt crazed country. It's in everything from fruit drinks to baby food. Let's just say, if it isn't in the form in which God created it (on the outside perimeter of the grocery store aisles) then it probably full of salt. That's not to say that whole foods don't have any salt content. They do, but it is miniscule compared to processed, canned, packaged foods. Just another reason to rid our shelves of all the stuff. 
     Sorry got off track for a moment. Long story short, upon waking Day 7 the scale registered another pound lost, Day 8 another and yesterday Day 9, and this is where those ounces really help, another .8 pounds for a total just over of 6 pounds. Needless to say I am encouraged. 192.2
     However, with the excitement comes trepidation, for this is Day 10 of our 10 day challenge. Who will stick with me for 10 more days and who will quit. If nothing else you've learn you can take control of what's eating you. Oops!  What I meant to say is what your eating. Or did I?  You've taken positive steps to curtail the crazy mindless eating and learn to make better choices. I hope this is not just my beginning of a quest to better health. My husband Larry and I are not here to convince you we want to Inspire you. You are not alone in the maze. Are YOU up for the next 10 Days?

     FYI...  The tolerable upper level of daily sodium intake 2300 mg. 85% of Americans exceed that many times over. More than half of all Americans are predisposed to health issues, high blood pressure, heart disease, and should have no more 1500 mg daily. There is way too much salt, MSG, natural foods flavorings, all which contains salt in our diets.
    Example: Applebees Bacon Cheddar Cheesburger has a whopping 1610 mg of sodium. Add a side of fries for an extra 740 mg. That's just one meal. YIKES! For you Homemade Mac and Cheese lovers, One cup serving has nearly a 1000 mg. Boxed M &C per cup is 786 mg. HOLY CANNOLLI!        

 1/4 teaspoon of salt    =  500 mg
 1/2 teaspoon of salt    =  1000mg                               
   1  teaspoon  of salt   =  2000 mg

Sunday, June 23, 2013

DAY 9 Dog Day Afternoons

     The hot days of summer have arrived. We're trying not to succumb to the 90 degrees by turning on the AC. If it gets much hotter I may loose this battle. The house seems hottest in the late afternoon around 3:30 - 4:00 when we like to eat our biggest meal.
     I was all set to have my husband grill us some burgers which I intended on smothering in mushrooms, onions and green peppers but, as the temperature went up my zeal for standing over the stove went down.
     What kind of cool and delicious foods can we conjure up on days too hot for soup?  Just about the time that thought popped into my head I heard the familiar bird call letting me know I had a text message. Received from my daughter was picture above with the message LUNCH.  After seeing that, I got such a hankering for chicken salad, I had to whip up a batch for my husband and I.
     The rotisserie chicken intended for soup stock now became our chicken salad lunch. It didn't dawn on me until we were licking our plates clean that I should have taken pictures too. Shucks! It wasn't as pretty as Leah's above but I am willing to say it was almost as good. Why do I say almost? Because Leah took the time to make her own mayonnaise. Boy, she's good.
     We are making great strides to eat well here at The Barnett household. Over the next few months i'm sure our "diet" will see many changes but, I don't know if i'll ever get to the point of making mayo from a recipe. We use it so infrequently that I am unconcerned at this point about the fat content. The only concern I have with it the natural flavorings. We all know that means MSG. The sugar content on label is so little that it doesn't appear in the Nutritional Facts. I have thought about trying the Veganaise from the health food store but i'm not convinced it's that much healthier and that mayo in small amounts is that bad.  It's the binder that holds chicken and tuna salads together. That's my opinion for now and i'm sticking to it.

     Speaking of salad dressings. What? I thought someone mentioned them. Many of you may not be at the point in your healthy lifestyle changes where you question salad dressing, and that's ok. My suggestion to you is instead of pouring dressing all over your salad, put it in a small dish and dip your salad into it. Better yet, just dip your fork in the dressing before spearing your salad. It's amazing how much less dressing you eat but still enjoy your salad.
     Some salad dressings, while tasty, are often full of fat, sodium and sugars that you don’t need when you’re trying to slim down and get healthy. But there are alternatives that are healthier for your body yet still taste good.

     One option is to mix olive oil or flaxseed oil with red wine, raspberry infused or balsamic vinegar.
You need one part oil to one part vinegar a pinch of salt and pepper and shake ingredients together.
     While olive oil and flaxseed oil have fat and calories, they are a healthy source of fat that your body needs. "In fact, flaxseed oil is used by so many organs of your body that it’s almost impossible for it to be converted into fat cells."-- Jillian Michaels

Julie's Chicken Salad
(depending on what's available in the house)

2 breast of rotisserie chicken
1/3 - 1/2 cup mayo (I don't measure so I'm unsure)
1/2 stalk celery chopped very small
1 green onion and stalk
15 seedless grapes halved (red or green)
and a good shake or two of Mrs. Dash Original

The chicken salad was piled on two large Romaine leaves that had vinegar and oil spritzed on them.
My husband gave it a 10.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Day 8 Change is on the Horizon


     I've been waking up between 4:30 - 5:00 am because a Robin, like a rooster has a very loud call and uses it to say when the sun begins to rise so should everyone else. Good idea, but not one I want to follow at the moment. Either way she has me so trained to her call that I wake automatically. For the last two days her call has been silent and replaced by a later rising Blue Jay with his squelching clamor. I tell you this because it's good to STOP and listen to the birds. Our lives are so bogged down with busy-ness that much of the beauty and joys Jehovah gives us could easily be missed. Taking a few minutes out of your day to stop and smell the roses is calming and rejuvenating to the soul. You owe it to yourself.

This Mornings Text message:
     It's officially the weekend and the toughest time to stick to your goals. You only have a couple more days to complete the 10 days of the challenge thereby Proving to yourself YOU CAN get control over the mind and the matter. Your mind and heart (the driving force) getting mastery over the matter (food).
     To illustrate: It's similar to when we started studying the Bible and getting to know Jehovah. Before taking in accurate knowledge, we were feeding our minds what we thought was spiritual food. Whatever that meant for each individual. When in fact we were being starved and dehydrated of the waters of life.
     With some effort we learned what the requirements for living a good, healthy, full spiritual life meant. Most of us had to make Drastic Changes in our thinking, our way of life, our belief system. We had to start nourishing our minds and hearts with what we were learning. You see where i'm going with this?

     It's similar with food. We have been led to believe that food, and every kind that tickles our palate, be it boxed, bagged, processed is good and nutritious. The preachers (food manufacturers) propaganda of what's Real Food, healthy food, has the world totally confused. Who of you didn't believe that Wonder bread would " help build strong bodies 12 ways." I'll bet you also thought when Tony the Tiger said "They're GREAT! That they really were.
     But, we are learning the truth about food. Whole LIVE foods are what create and sustain health. It may take time, but we must try to make needed changes for better health or give into our weaknesses and growing sicker. We have to pummel our bodies to do what we know is best for it.
     Whose in this with me for 4 extra days until next Friday's meeting?

Friday, June 21, 2013

DAY 7 Sa-weeeeeet! Sugar

DAY 7 

    Todays topic is Sweeteners. In short, when we take in any form of sweet our pancreas rush to produce insulin to help convert the sweet stuff into nutrition for our body. But, when the body gets loaded down with too much sugar or sugar substitutes, unnecessary for body function, it gets stored as fat. Over time the pancreas are exhausted of insulin from all the excess and one becomes diabetic.
     Many times folks then turn to artificial sweeteners.  Whether you're using the pink, blue or yellow packet they are all artificial and fall under the name of aspartame or glutamate. None have any nutritional value.  Although widely used in everything from pizza dough to toothpaste there is plenty of scientific evidence about more than 90 different side effects caused by its ingestion.
     Neurologists around the world agree that it destroys the brains neurons. They do not yet know how big the real impact will be because it can take 5, 10, sometimes 15 years to start showing signs of neurological damage, and then it's too late. Years of use have caused brain tumors and is seen as one reason for the sharp rise in Alzheimers in the last decade. 75% of the complaints to the FDA each year are about aspartame.
     Jehovah made fruits and vegetables with their natural sugars. A healthy person eating these in their natural form, is the basis for a well balanced diet and it natural keeps a person healthy. But, then sugar is added to our coffee, cereal, breads, jams, sauces, juices. Just about Everything.  On top of that  we add processed foods to our diet, which contains literal tons of hidden sugars. This is a main reason we see disease of all sorts in epidemic proportions.
     Watch or read "Sweet Misery" or "King Corn." Real eye openers for those who care about their health and want to know the truth.
     I guess my goal today is to think before I sprinkle and read labels. IF you're one of the many who say " I hardly ever eat sugar!" do a Google search for a list of grocery store foods that contain sugar, high fructose corn syrup (that ingenious discovery is a whole nother subject), or aspartame. I think you will be shocked.
     Much of the info today can be found at



It's over the hump day of our 10 day challenge.  How are you doing?

          I watched a video the other day about sugar and its addictive powers. It was compared to powerful drugs in the way when a person tries to stop eating it and all the foods laden with it, our bodies go through the same kind of withdrawals as heroin. We can get headaches, mood swings, shakes, twitching and depression.  Real physical changes take place as your metabolic system shifts away from sugars energy.

         It is the same for food additives in processed foods and most restaurant foods.  The MSG and (did you know they hide MSG, monosodium glutamate hides behind at least 16 different names like "natural food flavorings" ) sweeteners and the like are all powerful
influences on our body receptors. The more processed foods you must rid yourself from the more the body will likely react. It has had sugars of all sorts and chemicalized fake foods for years.  It's like an extremely abusive mate.  You don't want to let them go, even though the facts are clear that they are having detrimental, even grave effects on your health and well being.  The facts are written all over societies walls.  Processed, refined, enriched, sugar laden, fast foods are killing us. They make us fat but malnourished.  They make us feel good for a minute while making us very sick in the long run.

     We have the power to take control of what goes into our mouths. It may not be easy because we are addicted (and that's just the way food manufacturers want it) But, we CAN DO IT by supporting each other through it.

DAY 5     of the 10 Day Challenge 

          "Being defeated is often temporary. Giving up makes it permanent."
     And so we start day 5. I've been hearing some great feedback from you about the simple changes being made in diet choices and how Good taking control of your life feels. I am so proud of you. Keep up the good work.
     Two things I want to address today. 1)  that time of day when you are craving something salty or sweet. That time for me is 8 pm. For nearly fifty years I have had a snack near or around that precise time. As a kid it was raisins, popcorn or even prunes. But as I got older and in "control" of  my snack time, it was apparent that ice-cream would be a pretty constant friend.
     I realize it isn't good to eat after 6 pm. Your stomach needs time to digest dinner before laying down for the night or else it will have to do that work while you sleep. Sleep is the time your body is supposed to use to rejuvenate, replenish and heal... not be hard at work digesting tonight's chicken and broccoli with the extra side of brown rice. However well I know that, I am still working out my own kinks. We have turned our family tradition of ice-cream into an apple covered in cinnamon. Or a bowl of sweet cherries. Or a bowl of popcorn popped in coconut oil with garlic powder sprinkled on top. The ice-cream withdrawals are barely noticeable.  : )   What are some of your favorites snacks?

     2)  Gut issues. With the current American diet I can easily assume many of you have them. Gut issues I mean. Whether it's heartburn, stomach pain and nausea, ulcers, intestinal bloat, constipation or gall bladder issues most of us have had them and most likely still do. I know from my own experience that when you start cutting down and finally cut out the majority of processed foods and breads with all the gluten, that all these symptoms start being cut down as well.

         If you keep up the good choices you've been making this week you should be saying good-bye to Prilosec, Xantec, anti-acids and Mylanta soon. I was on up to two Prilosec a day. I actually started my own personal challenge a week earlier while getting Accupunture for Gut issues. I nervously went off Prilosec cold turkey. But with it went away 95% of my processed foods and sugars. Except for a few minor eruptions of gut pain, I can say I have had NONE. Before this change IF I did not take Prilosec I was in severe pain.  I call it a miracle. Reality is that we are not meant to have to break down all the fake crap that comes from processing. Our bodies react trying to tell us so by way of all the above mentioned symptoms. It wants you to stop eating the crap. It is not healthy nor does your body want you to medicate the pain away and then keep eating the crap.  I hope I've leaned this fact once and for all.
        IF after you have cleared out most of the junk foods and you still have digestion issues take 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar in 8 ozs of water a couple times a day until it's relieved. It doesn't hurt to add some digestive enzymes and a probiotic to your daily regimen either. Then, throw the darn donuts away.

DAY 4   

     Many a Tuesday is spent with my BFF doing what we love to do best. Spreading the Kingdom message.  Because its summer we tend to do this by walking house to house. When at home I sit at my desk a lot so I appreciate getting out and being able to shuffle my feet. It will help me with my commitment to do a little more exercise each day. This morning is a perfect 77 degrees. Before leaving the house however I need to inspire. I take an easy way out by posting sayings from a favorite website SparkPeople. If you need menu ideas, inspiration or healthy food related information, this is a good place to start.

     My text for today:
          I started with a Saying "If you change nothing, nothing will change." Stop and think about that for a moment. You can keep eating like you've been eating for years. At the end of the year you will have packed on 10 more pounds. You will still have gut issues and will be unhappy with yourself, right? The slightest change like choosing a nectarine or slice of cantaloupe over that sugar topped blueberry muffin is change. A good change. Or packing a mix bag of nuts and cranberries instead of a bag of chips or Dorito's for snack. A small change. A good change. Doing this for at least 6 more days for the Challenge isn't a big sacrifice. It's change. For the better. For your health.
          "It's never a question of CAN you, but will you?"  Excuses like I'm too busy really says I don't want to reign my self in and give up my deep fried, sugar laden foods at the moment, thank you. I've heard people say,  There's nothing wrong with the way I eat. When I know good and well they are on medications for high blood pressure, cholesterol, arthritic pain and diabetes. Nooo...nothing wrong there. or can I say "You are what you eat!"
          There was a time when I was totally ignorant of how bad processed foods and refined sugars are for the human body. But, in this day and age there is really no excuse to stay ignorant. Accurate knowledge of nutrition is everywhere. Oh sure, they can't agree if coffee is good for you today or if eggs are really as bad as first thought. Don't get caught up in it all. Just start somewhere. If not a 10 Day Challenge then one day at a time.

     I end by saying fruits and berries have a powerful anti-oxidant and synergistic properties that work to give cells mitochondria their power to get healthy and stay healthy. So unless you have a severe problem with natural sugars, Eat More Fruit. (The July issue of Life Extention has a wonderful article describing the benefits of each individual berry and how they work with the body for health) 
          I don't mean to be hard on you but this is the kind of conversations I have with myself. Now I put them in writing.

DAY 3 
     It's Monday. Lazy days and Mondays always get me down. But not today. I feel empowered. Light on my feet. Ready to pound some pavement as they say. But before that I have some plain yogurt with 2 drops of chocolate raspberry stevia and a pile of fresh cut fruit. Strawberries, blueberry, raspberry, grapes and melon. All soaked for 10 minutes in a sink full of water with a cup of apple cider vinegar. Then rinsed well. I don't want any unnecessary toxins climbing aboard my palate this morning. Summer is here with all the delicious, delectable, delicate fruitage. Makes use of God's gift of bountiful delights while they are fresh for the eating.

 My inspiration for this Day 3 is:

     Good Morning friends. It's the beginning of a new week and a new way to look at yourself. Go to your mirror. Look at yourself. Say, "Self, it isn't easy to break the cycle of poor eating habits but I am worth every effort it takes. I am determined to choose healthier foods." Now turn away from the mirror, quit looking at the bags and wrinkles. But remember what you just said to yourself.

    "If we are creating ourselves all the time then it's never too late to begin creating the bodies we want instead of the ones we mistakenly assume we are stuck with." Deepak Chopra 
     Fill your plate with more fruits and vegetables. Whole foods fill you up not out. Forget the chips, grab and apple. Instead of McDonalds chicken sandwich, put chicken slices in lettuce with tomato, avocado, Mrs. Dash and a little dressing making a lettuce roll-up. Yes I know it takes a little more planning but you are worth it.


     It's Sunday morning which means we're always in a rush. Before getting out of bed I make sure to come up with some words of wisdom to give support to my five friends. Being an avid reader and viewer of anything health, a few statistics popped into my head.  I thought if I actually remembered them then they must be worth relating.  Here's Day 2's encouragement. 

     "About 80% of the food on super market shelves today did not exists 100 years ago." (really I don't think most exists even 50 years ago) Neither was there epidemic proportions of cancers, heart disease, auto immune disease or mental health disease.
     "The center of the super market is for boxed, frozen, processed, made to-sit-on-shelves-foods. You have to ask yourself, if this food was designed to last for months and months on shelves, what is it doing in my body? Nothing good that's for sure."
     Choose wisely today.  Your body will love you for it.

   That's what I texted. And minutes later I had my first confirmation that my little "texts" are appreciated. Then a few minutes more another confirmation and then another. Thank you girls for your kind thoughts and comments. Knowing others are trying to get their eating habits under healthier control helps me do the same. You help me, I help you.

    So like many households crammed for time I toast a piece of Udi bread, slather on my daughters homemade Rhubarb jam, grab a cup of coffee (yes with my favorite creamer) and an 8 oz. glass of water with 2 tablespoons of 100% real Cranberry concentrate and a half dropper of Systemic Detox added.
     I sit down at my desk finishing up my Watchtower and try to taste every taste of that bread and jam. Slowing down trying to do the 20 chew chew. You know things taste better when you really think about what your eating, trying to distinguish each individual taste and sensation.  The smell and crunch of the toast, the sweetness and the tart of the rhubarb jam. The stickiness as it hits my lips. The aroma of fresh brewed coffee with a hit of cinnamon vanilla.  The tart cranberry in the water. Wow... For a mad dash breakfast, this tastes pretty good.
If you lucky enough to have a raspberry farm around, I suggest experiencing a day at "pickin". It's relaxing and fun. You and nature.
I will be hosting a raspberry picking day in August. Contact me if your interested.

DAY 1 of The 10 Day Challenge

DAY 1 
     Woke at 4:35 when the Robin outside my window began her chirping. I have a love hate relationship with her. Unable to fall back a sleep, I started thinking about what I could do to help encourage my five friends and myself to choose wisely in our food choices today. What I came up with is a text message of some inspirational thought sent to their phones first thing in the morning. It's only ten days, I certainly can muse them for that long. Here's what I sent.
    "We had fun last night. A lot of things were discussed. Do not be overwhelmed. This is meant to be a fun and encouraging experience.
     THINK before you reach! Donut or Nectarine? Muffin or Fruit salad? Eggs and bacon or granola with blueberries?
     For you who say "I don't eat breakfast." Your body has not had fuel for more than 8 hours. It needs nourishment to function optimally. More than a mug of coffee. Grab an apple, banana or a hand full of nuts if nothing else. Start the morning off good and a good day will follow.
     Thanks for supporting each other. Have a healthy day."

     Sending the text, I lay back and think, "With that text I set myself up in being the example for these women. Maybe its a good thing. Makes me feel responsible to make changes not only for myself, my family but also my friends." I hope i'm up for the task.  

What's the Plan Stan?

     Friday night June 15, six of my friends met together to check out what this "10 Day Challenge" was all about. I wasn't positive of how things would work out but knew we all have one common goal, Learning How To Eat Better for Healthy Living. Everyone was willing to at least put forth concerted effort NOT to eat processed foods and sugars, and being aware of everything they let pass by their lips. What that meant was a little different for each one. 
 What it means for me:
          No boxed or prepared foods.  (ie. rice r roni, shake n bake, standard white pasta, white rice)
          No breads unless Ezekial (real whole grain) or Udi gluten free. (lettuce makes a beautiful sandwich and can replace bread almost every time.)
          No obvious sugars. (fruity drinks, baked goods, candy)
          No fast foods. If I should eat out, choose wisely, trying to eliminate the above.
          Much less dead food and much more of live sustainable food.

     I do not count calories or worry about fat content.
     I realize there are sugars in most condiments, salad dressings and mayonnaise is a prepared food however, I am working on cutting things out at a pace that I stand withstand. Otherwise it won't last. I rarely use stuff like that but have them available in a pinch. Red wine vinegar and oil have started to taste good to me. I don't eat pasta much but when we do, I eat rice pasta. My one vice I can't let go of yet is my cinnamon vanilla cream for my coffee. In time ladies, in time. I eat real butter and use olive oil or coconut oil for cooking. Personally I think they have had a bad rap over the years for no good reason.
     It's not to say you will never see me having a cocktail or a piece of cake in celebration however, it is my goal to keep these in check for special occasions.

FYI...when I interject I and we it's because my husband is doing his best to follow the new lifestyle too. He promises that IF he brings chips, candy or the like into the house he will keep it in his office and only eat when I'm not around. Isn't he sweet.

On your mark, get set, Gooooo!

     My name is Julie. I am a Fifty-five year old woman on a quest for healthier eating. Ohhh, I've done dozens of "diets" in the past, doing the same as millions of others. Loose 20-30 lbs. only to put back on 35-40. My reasons for loosing weight were vanity. An up coming wedding, class reunion, meeting up with old friends (OMG what would they think). But now, I am ready to get down to business and make a lifestyle change in my eating habits. I have been here before but somewhere down the line I loose hold of the reigns and fall back into some poor eating choices. I'm sick and tired of heartburn, stomach aches, nausea, constipation, headaches and of looking in the mirror and wishing for something different to be looking back. At 5'3" and 198 pounds, it is time to get a grip.

     I lost my father to cancer when he was fifty-four, I was twenty-one. Lost my mother at sixty-three to heart disease. Then just over ten years ago I lost a fifty year old brother to cancer. Four years later another brother at age fifty-one. Now, granted the latter two did not live very healthy lives. They smoked, drank more than the average person and ate like majority of Americans do, me included. But the death of my brother Jon left me numb. Watching him slowing wither away, with no hope except chemo "therapy" was sobering and gut wrenching. They MUST be a better way and I was determined to find it.
     This blog is not about my disdain for the Medicine Machine we call Allopathic Medicine and their use of prescription drugs to mask over every health problem. It is about getting to the root of the health problems facing the world. That root, I believe, has everything to do with what we put into our mouths. In our case, The American diet. My quest is finding ways to get healthy and keep healthy thereby keeping me out of the clutches of Big Pharma and Institutional medicine. There is so much evidence available proving that what we choose to eat has the biggest impact on our health and wellbeing.
      So, a couple of my girlfriends and I have gotten together to encourage each other in making necessary changes in our dietary intake. We have pledged to a 10 Day Challenge to NOT eat processed foods and no obvious sugars other than what comes in naturally
through fruits and vegetables. We are on Day 7 however, I will post our daily inspirations since the beginning which was Saturday June 15, 2013 and then keep a daily post thereafter. 
     It is my hope that by doing this eating program 10 days at a time, it will continue on for another 10 and another 10. You get the picture. Doesn't seem nearly as daunting just 10 days at a time. I will keep you posted.

BTW...the picture above was 4 years ago after loosing 27 lbs. on the HCG diet. I felt great. Although taking longer than normal, nearly 3.5 years later I've put those pounds back on. At the time of that picture my weight was 176. It is my current goal to get back to that this summer.

Good Health to You,