Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Who's Up For A Challenge?

Last evening I challenged the original 15 who showed interest in The No More Excuses Diet.
     The challenge is this: No bread, buns, rolls or crackers for one week. Some have already stopped eating breads. I'm proud of you. Just Continue what you're doing. But, for all of us starting tomorrow, Wednesday to Wednesday, let's not consume any of the above.

     The reason for this challenge is many of the everyday problems we suffer with such as: stuffy sinus', congestion, hacking cough and phlegmy throats, could very likely be caused by a gluten/wheat intolerance. Cleaning our system of it, even for one week, should help you recognize clearer breathing, less stuffy heads and throats. One week is not be long enough to clear deep congestion, that would take considerably longer.
     I'm trying to help you see that Gluten is NOT just the new diet craze. It's a pain in the neck problem for a lot of people AND they have no idea that it is the culprit.
     Who of you have had clear sinuses, clear throat, then ate some bread, crackers, cereals, anything made with flour and within a few minutes the familiar guttural clearing of the throat, frogginess around your vocal area starts.  You quietly try to clear your sinuses with discrete snorts, because it suddenly fills with phlegm and congestion? Or within an hour of food consumption, you find you have a headache? Most of the time that is your body reacting to the gluten.
     Gluten intolerance is real. If it was only in bread and we only ate bread occasionally, then maybe it wouldn't be such an issue for so many. Would you be surprised to find out it's in products like shampoo and toothpaste? Gluten is commonly used as a binder in products like medication, cosmetics, oral care, skin care, and even children’s toys. The public has become aware of the problems with gluten and are demanding gluten-free products. IF it wasn't a real issue, corporations would not be jumping through hoops to bring these gluten-free products to market.
    So whose willing to try this? No breads, buns, rolls or crackers for ONE week? Pay attention to your bodies reactions to all the foods you put in your mouth. You may be surprised. After a week, reintroduce wheat bread or cake made with wheat flour and see if you have a reaction.


  1. I'm in! I have been doing Paleo/Primal for a while, it is nice to know you are sharing in the fun too!

  2. I do not usually eat any of the things you mentioned, due to the yeast content in most breads. But come to think about it, as soon as I started to eliminate those items, my supposed "COPD" became much better. I only occasionally eat bread or rolls (usually only when with friends who eat and serve it.) But, I normally do my eating at home, anyway, and just don't eat bread. You're healthier that way -- AND you will be getting fewer yeast infections, too, especially if you also limit sugars, too!!

  3. I do not doubt that an overgrowth of yeast causes oodles of problems for people and ties very closely to breads or anything with yeast. Once overgrowth become an issue, it is very difficult to get control of. But before I get off into the Yeast Connection (good book)I have got to get people to recognize for themselves through illumination process, that foods indeed have an affect on how well we feel.

    1. Quite true!! Some folks seem to think they can just eat "whatever", then they wonder why they don't feel good!
