Friday, July 12, 2013

Are We Salting Ourselves to Death?

     Not to beat this subject into the ground but it is sooo important to be aware of the dangerous side effects that this favored food accent has on the human body. Many of us have NO Idea just how much of it we REALLY consume. SALT! I can not stress how much salt/sodium has to do with much of the sickness and disease that is ravaging the American public.
     Why this has been a hot topic for me. It was my pleasure to escort two beloved friends (80+ year olds) to a specialist to find out why she is retaining so much water when she is on high doses of  meds that should resolve the issue. A-Mom (I will call her A-Mom for adopted mom. I have known these two as friends for so many years, that I say I have adopted them as parents) is and has been for sometime in congestive heart failure. When questioned by the doctor about eating habits, their picture of the weeks menu was one of healthy eating. They truly believe what they are consuming on a daily basis is healthy foods. 
     The list consisted of a BLT for lunch, a boxed cherry crumble Danish and toast for breakfast. For dinner the evening before they had order chicken tenders with the creamy coleslaw from a Pizza place. Their vegetable of choice is frozen, but more often than not they eat canned vegetables. Don't get me wrong, I get it. They are in their 80's. It takes a lot to stand at a counter and chop veggies and cook.  Fact is because of her illness, A-Mom can no longer stand except for brief moments. A-Dad is doing all he can to care for her regular everyday needs. 
     The doctor wasn't surprised. For when a person is taking in too much salt/sodium it is very apparent by the swollen look they have. It was obvious to him that her diet was full of salt. And it was. Everything she had eaten in last 24 hours was full of sodium. "But what about the lettuce and tomatoes and the sweet cheeries. That's all good for you." A-Dad said. This day and age sodium is is everything.  I know it's a drag but we really must start reading labels, especially if we prone to hypertension, heart disease. We literally are salting ourselves to death.
     The doctor said "look around next time in a group of people. People who have a diet high in sodium/salt tend to have hands and fingers, face and necks or legs and feet that are swollen. Their skin is very taut or stretched tight. It's because they are retaining water caused by too much salt." These same people tend to eat fast foods, boxed, processed convenient foods. All which contain huge amounts of sodium.
    Ten years ago my mother in law, when hospitalized, was put on an IV drip of a meds "to help her get some of the water off." In one night she lost 15 lbs. She had a major wake up call that helped her transform her life. At age 73 she had to change her eating habits or face death. She choose to eat herself healthy. She went from a 180 pounds patient with congestive heart and diabetes to 145 pounds in under six months. She did end up with a pace maker but no longer has congestive heart or diabetes. Went from size 20 to 12/14. That was 10 years ago. We are very proud of her for taking control of her life and health. If she hadn't i'm sure she wouldn't be with us today. Just goes to show your never to old to change.
     Thing is. Her body, when given the proper nutrition, healed itself. Now, that's *amazing medicine.
     I am  relating their stories because their diets are the diets of most people. And when you look at most sick people, their diets are very similar.  People generally believe they eat relatively well.  Quick, easy and convenient but, diets of very little nutrition and lots of sodium. I am inserting a link here of a chart of sodium content in everyday foods. Peruse it, look up some of the items you use in your daily lives. It's to make you more aware of just how much salt you inadvertently take in and may not know it.  Really stop now and click the link. Interesting huh? Remember, we should not have more than 2300 mg a day. And that's the high levels. Meaning more than that is truly stressing your organs and in a short time your body begins to react with a host of ailments.

*Under the words amazing medicine above is the link to Food Matters Trailer. A must see movie

1/4 teaspoon of salt     =  500 mg
 1/2 teaspoon of salt    =  1000mg                               
   1  teaspoon  of salt   =  2000 mg

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