Monday, July 15, 2013

That Dreaded word...Exercise

     Exercise conjures up all sorts of things for people. Training for a marathon. Doing a boat load of calistetics, pumping weights until you drop.  For me, it has meant dragging myself to put on a pair tennis shoes, pulling out the stepper and putting Gilad in the DVD. Other times it meant packing up my gym bag with water and heading to the gym to do a circuit or two, then dancing my way through a  step aerobics class.
     Today, it means latching the leashes on our two dogs and briskly walking the neighborhood while they sniff and tinkle on every available tree. Really, the dogs are a blessing to me. They get me out of doors into fresh air where I enjoy the many sounds of God's creations while giving my body a boost.  If the weather is too hot or rainy I jog on my rebounder for 10 or 15 minutes. 
     What do you enjoy? What can you add to your No More Excuses Diet to help you get moving a little more than yesterday? Figure it out and then "just do it."  It doesn't have to be some major workout, just a fast pace walk around the block. Instead of piling a bunch of stuff on your steps, waiting for the next trip up or downstairs, take the items up now. Stuff on your stairs is a safety hazard. So think of it as keeping your family safe and getting a little exercise. Instead of carrying a huge basket of laundry to the laundry room, take one load at a time. Better for your back and will add several extra steps to your day. We've all heard this one, when shopping or at the Hall, park furthest away. This too will add a few more steps to your day. And if you're working in an office, always take the stairs. If available, walk to get your lunch. If you pack lunch, walk to a park or side walk bench and enjoy it. Good for mind, body and soul. Be creative. 
     The fact is, if you exercise just 10 minutes of vigorous exercise a day you gain great benefit.
lymphatic system benefits from rebounding     The lymph glands are the major way your body gets rid of unwanted toxic matter. The lymph system is totally dependent on physical exercise to help it do its job of excreting the junk that accumulates in the lymph glands. Without adequate movement the toxins stored in the lymphs gets stuck and the lymph become congested. If left stewing in the waste, a person can get very sick. Congested lymphs contributes to arthritis, cancer and many other degenerative diseases.
     I have read more than once that just 10 minutes of vigorous jogging on a rebounder/mini-trampoline increases lymph flow by 15 to 30 times. I like this because I can do it anytime during the day.  I put on my home-made jogging jig CD or watch television and jump. Finding 10 minutes in a day isn't hard. The benefit of cleaning your lymph system is immeasurable plus you have the immediate result of a super burst of energy that will follow you through out the day.
     So whether it's walking with a friend, going up and down stairs several times, or rebounding make it a part of your day. Just 10 minutes, pushing yourself a little bit and you will reap quick rewards.


1 comment:

  1. So true: Exercise is GREAT in all kinds of ways. The flow of the lymph fluid is so inportant, as is the increased heart rate, the increased digestion. Why do we, as adults, seem to think of exercise as a chore, when we found it delightful as children? We loved running, jumping, climbing!! Exercise really does a body good!!!!
