Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Figuring Things Out

     I'm sure my audience is wondering, "With all your healthy eating, have you lost any weight?" The fact is I started at 198, as of today I am 192.6. I bing bong a pound or two, depending on what I eat, always coming back to 192. something. I have been excited with the many food changes and how the changes have help ease many of my gut issues, helped quell the mucous that has been in my chest and breathing for years, cleared up the constant stuffiness in my nose, which by the way has led to much deeper sleep however, last week I started to contemplate why I've only dropped 6 lbs. in 5 weeks. I don't hesitate to continue eating better, but, feel the need to find out why. And, let's face it, it would give me a boost.
    Consequently, with the prodding of my daughter, I have signed up for My Fitness Pal. This will help me track my eating to understand exactly what the food calorie counts are, while being a little more conscious of portion size. I started adding my foods Friday the 19th of July. It may take me a few days to get the hang of the site. But, so far, it has been a nice source of information. Not only does it keep track of everything you input, it has a list of foods available like I haven't seen on any other website. They have many chain restaurant foods listed, almost all grocery store brands listed, and what isn't on their list, you can scan product info into your smart phone that will be added to the list. If its something you eat often, you can put it in your personal list, so you don't have to look it up more than once. I've made up a few meals of my own. For example: My Caprese No Bread Sandwich, my cucumber roast beef no bread sandwich and a no gluten banana pancake. When I eat these I no longer have to look up each ingredient when logging. I'm hoping by tracking I might see a few pounds fall from my hips and give me a better picture (caloric intake, carbs, proteins) of what really passes through my lips.
     I have also read in a couple of Suzanne Somers books, Gillian McKeith's "You Are What You Eat" and several recent articles about food combining and how bad combinations of food impedes your metabolism, making it nearly impossible to loose weight. I am going to try harder at combing the right foods so as not to stress my already stressed gut.
     It makes a lot sense since certain foods need an acidic environment to break them down, while others need a alkaline one. Your stomach can not be both a the same time. When we eat foods that oppose each other in the stomach, actually neutralizing the juices, it makes for unhealthy guts. You know you've combined opposing foods because your gassy, bloated, feel stuffed, have indigestion and heartburn soon after eating. As I learn more I will include my findings in another post
     In the meantime I would love to be joined by any of you and you who are already taking advantage of My Fitness Pal. Look me up and friend me. I need all the encouragement I can get. Your input helps me help you. You can find me under NoMoreExcusesDiet.

1 comment:

  1. http://www.letsgethealthy.us/

    Julie this is the site I was talking about that is a sister and the website even has recipes and another blog you might be interested in. Her name is Jacqueline Featherly - Let's Get Healthy - Also I see she has free webinar's in Aug and Sept that your blogger readers might be interested in. :) I wish I would have known that you were in MI for a whole month...
