Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Falling Off The Wagon

     This past weekend was a challenge for me and my NoMoreExcusesDiet. Since we started eating healthier over a month ago now, I have been eating well with little exception. No fried foods (except an egg or two), no fast foods, no processed foods, literally five pieces of bread (Udi), no alcoholic beverages, no sugars, no oils except occasional butter.

     Then this weekend came along. It's not that I totally blew it but, I let myself down. We had the Circuit Overseer over for lunch Friday. We enjoyed a large Olive Garden type salad. Lettuce, olives, red onion slivers, tomato, cheese and home made dressing. We also copied a recipe of Olive Garden's Zoupa Toscana. You say "what's wrong with that?" I have a difficult time digesting potatoes and sausage, and haven't had either in 5 weeks. That in itself was hard on my gut. But then, Zoupa is my absolute favorite soup, I totally over indulged, eating 2 heaping bowls. Stuffing your gut after weeks of a well controlled diet is a bad idea. I knew that within a half hour of the last swallow. 

I felt like a stuffed pig, literally. I could hardly breath. I remained nauseous for the rest of the day and into the evening. I took enzymes to help digest the meal, I walked the dogs an extra block. I took 4 magnesium to help "move" things along. Nothing helped.
     Breakfast Saturday was plain fruit. I was going to be busy all afternoon, taking pictures for some young pioneers who were getting married, and I didn't want to upset my stomach that had just started feeling better. This was not a smart move. Why? you ask.
     Six hundred pictures, 4 Brazil nuts, a granola bar and 7 hours later we ended up at a small reception. I was so hungry, and surely dehydrated that all self control was abandoned. 
     Two pieces of KFC (heavy oils, trans fats, flour, MSG, breading), macaroni salad (wheat noodles), regular salad, two bread sticks (wheat flour), a handful of chips (trans fat, potato, fried) a piece of wedding cake (flour, food coloring and a heavy dose of sugar) and two rum and cokes later, I was feeling that old familiar nauseated feeling. The burn in my belly and the aching pain in my lower abdomen that I lived with for years prior to the No More Excuses Diet was back with a vengence.
     We made our exit only to spend the rest of the evening feeling lousy. Again popped some enzymes, magnesium and this time a Rolaid to calm the storm in my guts.
     Before starting The No More Excuses Diet I was taking  2 Prilosec a day, settling the burn and gut pains. Since (5 weeks)    eating better I have only had to take one Prilosec and Rolaids twice. It's like a miracle to me. No gut pain, no constipation, no heart burn and no upset stomach which had been a daily problem.  Now in just one weekend, I have set myself back to feeling really crappy. Why? I need to sit back and think why so I will not get myself into the same situation again.
     I tell you this because, we all fail. We have setbacks. But, that doesn't mean we give up. We get back on the program. Treating your body with good and healthy foods. I had a few weak moments. Okay, a lot of weak moments and I need to figure out why it was so easy to allow myself  to run back to the foods that have caused me so much trouble, just because they were put in front of me.
    I know most people eat differently than I am trying to eat these days. What I learned from this is: I should plan ahead, bringing something healthy or stopping for good food and waters before going to the after party. I should always carry waters with me so not to get so thirsty that I reach for anything. When you are unaware of the menu provided, then cover yourself with a packed backup.
     So if you falter in the program you've set up for yourself, get back on track as soon as possible. Don't give up, don't give in to the old habits we're all trying to shuck. Make your peace with that slice of cake or Fried chicken and move ahead.
     I apologize to you all for not following through with the no bread challenge. Forgive me and know that I'm back on track.

PS. These are a few of my pics from the wedding. See Leah and Maddy? Leah was maid of honor, Maddy the flower girl.


  1. Falling doesn't mean failing! We all fall at times. Getting back up with renewed determination, is what will make you successful over the long haul. It's great to have a support group cheering you on.

  2. You did the right thing after eating bad. Flush, flush, flush. Drinking lots of water and eating light will get you back on track. Hope you're feeling better today.
