Monday, July 29, 2013

Down 2.5 pounds... Yeee Hahhhhhh!

     I mention in my last post I had started loosely following the "combination" diet way of eating a week ago last Thursday evening. I was getting a little bummed that after 5 weeks of eating very healthy I had only lost 6 pounds. Today after one week of tracking my calories and eating in combinations In a week I lost another 2.5 more pounds. I hate saying lost because I know exactly how it left and where it has gone. I hope never to return. It has only been a week and a half of eating in combination (protein and vegetable OR carbohydrate and vegetable but NO protein and Carbs together in same meal.) so, I hesitate to say that eating in combination is the answer for me, but I will. I can tell by the way my body feels, or doesn't feel, after eating in correct combinations.
      I don't have the familiar stuffed gut. After meals where I previously mixed carbs, proteins, fruits and veggies I could go the rest of the day not eating another thing and still feel full. Reason: I believe all the food just sat in my gut, while my stomach tried to figure out what to do with all of it. Should it make acid or alkaline juices? Hmm! Should the pancreas send out protease and lipase enzymes to break down the proteins and fats or amylase for carbs?
     Literally after the first day of correct combining, I began to get hungry after 2-3 hours of eating. The real eye opener was waking during the night and feeling very hungry. By morning I was famished and my stomach was flatter than normal. I forgot how good it feels to feel hungry.
     The best thing after getting up and moving around a bit...and this might be TMI, but I had to poo. On this morning, it was stinky as all get out and dark as chocolate. Why tell you this? Even after eating healthy for 5 weeks, I still have some constipation issues. Or having to go several times a day but just a few pebbles each time.
    My explanation for this is, by allowing my stomach, pancreas clear understanding (by foods combining) of what they needed to provide to churn the food into nutrients I could use, the job was done well and with efficiency. Moving along the track it ran into the backend of a lot of stagnant, not so well digested meals previously eaten. Like a caboose pushing a train, the well digested foods pushes the old, half digested sludge on through. When the sludge comes to it's final destination, elimination, they STUNK.
    I guess I tell you this because IF you have Really stinky poo's a few times a week, you're probably have digestion problems and have foods left undigested and rotting in your gut.
   So at the end of 6 weeks I've lost approximately 8.5 pounds.  I'm happy with that. I feel better because of eating better. My digestion is 90% better. I know immediately when I've eaten something I shouldn't. I also know pretty quick when I eat the wrong foods together.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Julz. Been crazy busy at work and home. But I'm hanging in there. Been trying to eat healthy and I did reach my goal looks like you're on target for yours. Looking good proud of yourself don't be a downer. You are doing great. And I'm proud of you even if you aren't. It takes time to reach your goal...keep up the good work...
