Friday, August 16, 2013

I'm Not 25 Anymore

     I have heard through the years that when a woman hits 50, habits are harder to break, pounds are much more difficult to shed and your stamina rapidly declines. But, I have also heard that it's Nifty to be Fifty. I held out hope for the latter to be my fate however, now that I'm smack dab in the middle, age 55, I see both sides very well.
     What makes The Fifties so Nifty in my eyes is the confidence gained as a matured individual. I've grown in spiritual knowledge which lends to a strong belief system.  After 25 years of marriage to a wonderful man I feel a solid sense of security. I'm content to be alone with my thoughts, a book, or a beautiful day. At 55, my friendships have deepened, where friends are more like family.  I love being fifty and the maturity that comes along with it.
     The flip side; although I have not hit menopause yet, I have experienced what they tell me is Peri-Menopause for what seems like twenty years already. I won't go into all the details but suffice to say, I've definitely had the hot flashes, the cold flashes, the migraines, the moods, the crying jags and whatever else goes with the female body shedding the ability to bare children. Hormones that have
played such a significant role in my life are declining, and from what I understand that is a main reason that makes losing weight at this age so difficult, and as much as I hate to say it, those same hormones play a large part of why my energy and stamina has declined.
     I finally understand the words that hurt so much 30 years ago when my mother in law said, "I raised mine." when asked to babysit. It's darn right exhausting to go from the solitude and comfort of our house of two, to a home filled with childhood pranks and proddings and constant movement and chatter from sun up until the last little dude goes down. It seems that most of my patience was spent on raising my own five kids, because I don't have much in reserve for the Grands.
     What does this have to do with my eating habits? Friday will be two months that I decided to start my NoMoreExcusesDiet by cutting out any unnecessary processed foods, breads (because of the gluten) and sugars. After years of be driven by school schedules, children's wants and needs, eating on the fly, slapping quick and easy meals (not particularly healthy) together for the brood, it feels good to take control of my life and what I allow myself to eat. I know I'm feeding my body foods, real foods, that help it thrive and heal itself. Rather than aimlessly snacking, bingeing or woofing down whatever smells or look good.
     I wish I would have known then what I know now about healthy eating because, breaking the old bad habits of process foods (which are full of sugars, sodium and msg to enhance the real taste) is difficult. Processed foods are meant to get you hooked, so that when you have something healthy, your palate registers it as boring or bland. Changing that thinking and learning how to use herbs and spices to jazz up a menu, is a journey that takes initiative, hard work and a real desire. Food affects every part of life, including mental clarity, hormone disruptions, mood and energy. Implementing the wealth of health knowledge available in a way that addresses all the above in a balanced way, takes forethought and creativity.  
     As far as weight loss? It's seems a bit harder to take off the unwanted pounds but, they are shedding slow and steady. Yesterday I reached 12 pounds lost. May not sound like much but, when I think of it as a pound or so a week, in just eight more weeks I will have lost approximately 25 lbs. That excites me. Motivates me. Side note: My husband Larry has been loosely following this with me and has lost 15 lbs.
    I'm working on energy and stamina. I have noticed naps are no longer a daily necessity. I am eating to fuel my body and it's responding accordingly. With real foods. I feel better. The days I get a little more exercise in, the more energy available. I need to work in a exercise schedule each day. Working on it.
    I am also on a quest of knowledge to better understand how and what foods have the greatest ability to balance hormones. Suzanne Somers books are updated and insightful info about hormone balancing. Another book making the diet circuit is Trim Healthy Mommas, which is the THM Diet or way of eating. How to balance insulin levels which will balance hormones to. Making meals that combine well for the best result. Can't wait to get started. 
    I will keep you informed as my journey continues as it has become a lifestyle.  

Pictures taking Feb. 2013 at our 25th Anniversary.


  1. Your honesty and fortitude is so refreshing, like a crisp fresh summer salad. Slow steady weight loss is the best. Add it to the knowledge you've gained about yourself and it's a win/win
    situation! :)

    1. Thank you Anonymous. Slow and steady is right. Here it is Sept 14, 3 months to the day almost and I've lost a total of 16 lbs. That's a little over 1 lb. A week. I'm still food combining but the Trim Healthy Mama's way. (Google it). I am determined to lose 50. So come the one yr anniversary of eating healthy, June 15, I expect to be a my goal. Thanks for your kind words.
